Physically I stopped growing at around age 12 or 13 (I am almost 6 feet tall!). Because my height made me stand out, I fixated on my physical body. All I wanted was to fit in with my peers and, above all, look good in the eyes of those around me!
Growing up I felt locked inside a body that I hated – listening to ridicule and teasing from family and peers, my overweight body became a prison for my true core self as I battled with depression and extreme shyness.
I left home at 18 to join a religious cult (thinking that this would give me some sense of self!) which I stayed in for almost two years.
Trapped in a very critical and controlling environment, I gave all my personal power away – until (finally!) I came to the realization that if I did not start tapping into my own inner wisdom and trusting myself I was never going to figure out who I am or what I wanted to be when I grew up!
Recognizing the Blessings
I am now blessed to see that all of my early adult experience was an amazing gift: I have developed an ability to see beyond the “problems” that arise in life – I can see the deeper meaning within most situations and can help you do the same.
I’ve developed a sense of fun and a sense of humour – I love to laugh and often help people laugh at themselves… don’t you find that we have the tendency to take ourselves just a wee bit too seriously?
I’ve developed a sense of calmness even when there is chaos and muddled thinking – people often like to just talk to me about their problems because they end up feeling inspired and more confident than before our conversation.
The drive that many of us buy into to “fit in” is a complete fallacy – the actual purpose of our lives is to embrace the joy, love, fun and awesomeness of who we are… right here and right now.
Now that’s not to say that I do not experience “down” times or moments where I feel “stuck” BUT my underlying belief is that all is well in my life – I love the transformational work I offer and the results I see within my clients.
My journey from self loathing to unconditionally loving myself has been an incredibly inspirational journey. It’s this path and choice that inspired the development of The Letting Go Process and my mission to help people get unstuck and achieve the best that they possibly can in mind-body and spirit.
Holistic Energy Healing
I practice a broad range of energy and consciousness healing treatments that utilize the human energy system. Included in this group are treatments such as Emotion Freedom Technique, Emotion Codes, Hypnotherapy, SomatoEmotional Release and many other such therapies. Each of these intentionally utilizes one of the human energy systems – such as the meridian system, the belief system, the chakra system or the aura system – during treatment.
Hypnosis in Cancer Care
The introduction of hypnosis and visualization techniques to cancer treatment is a very powerful way of inspiring calmness and hope on many levels, it helps instill a sense of control and calmness in the journey to restored well-being in mind, body, and soul.
What we visualize in our minds is often what we create in our bodies. Thus visualization and hypnosis are powerful techniques for healing mind, body, and soul.